
還記得幾個月前,晚上帶著客人經過Station 1,螢幕裡傳來非常傳神的長灘人笑容,還有把我深深吸引的旋律,Bora Bora Boracay~Bora Bora Boracay ♪♩♩♪~~ 我站在螢幕前,靈魂幾乎被DVD裡的影像勾住了,真的好傳神的長灘人生活。我第一次著麼衝動的想買下CD,這個音樂在我腦海裡揮之不去,真的。很可惜,跟著客人不能盡情的欣賞,只好哼著這個旋律,帶著遺憾的離開攤位。






一直到昨天晚上,帶著第一天抵達的客人逛著Dmall,遠遠的又傳來這首歌的旋律,我整個精神振奮! 於是,我跟客人介紹著我很喜歡這個MV和旋律,當我看的恍神、躊躇的同時,我隨手拉起站在我前面的不起眼的菲律賓人,我很堅定的眼神跟他說 "哪裡可以買這片CD?我要買!"  這個年紀輕輕菲律賓人跟我說"It's me","Armand Tajanlangit",我當場笑了出來,因為我覺得他在耍我,我說我找了這張CD找好久了,於是,他擺了一個跟CD背面一模一樣的表情,耶~ 真的耶! 他在他的包包掏出一張全新的CD,我還要求他簽名,大概嘗到當藝人的滋味吧,他大方的簽了名,P450。我超開心的跟客人說我真的喜歡這首歌這張CD,我的客人有點不以為意>"< 但是還是很開心~~



CD封面~ 就是很Boracay!



從以前到現在,就很喜歡非主流音樂的獨立唱片製作,大學的時候也很迷地下樂團,雖然我欣賞的樂團我周圍的朋友也很不以為意,但是就是很喜歡。這張CD "Only In Boracay",讓我聽著音樂就感受的到長灘島的味道,鹹鹹的海風吹著,還有伴著椰子油的味道,以及黏在皮膚上拍都拍不掉的細沙,我想,這會是我離開長灘島之後,會勾起我所有回憶的一張專輯。



簽名! 哈哈哈~~ 他還留了E-mail給我~^^:






Aamand Tajanlangit,來自Roxas City,因為家族在長灘島有飯店,所以大學畢業後住在長灘島,乾淨的嗓音在他大學的時候就引人注目,現在的他偶而會在Pet's Pet's或Bom Bom Bar唱歌。而這張CD的所有創作人,是屬於當地長灘人的結晶,參予所有唱片拍攝與製作的,很多都是自1960年之後的長灘人第二代、第三代居民。



觀賞一下Youtube的影片吧,也許只有長住在長灘島的我會有所感動,可是我真的很喜歡這個感覺! 想像著,拎著沁涼的啤酒,慵懶的躺在沙灘上的懶骨頭沙發,仰望著繁星滿天,聆聽著伴著海浪聲的音樂... 推薦給將前往長灘島的旅人,也推薦給曾經到訪過長灘島,卻無法忘記長灘島誘人的一眸一笑的旅人們。





To all those who love Boracay!

Jamming at Bom-Bom and Pat's Bar everynight!

Armand Tajanlangit, Featuring Mista Blaze
Read More* - Please leave comments with your name, age, and country.

From one of the world's best beaches comes its first original island soundtrack- Only In Boracay

A collaboration of young, new , and upcoming indie artists and film directors from Boracay worked together to produce the first original Boracay music video. This piece of work captures the classic Boracay life experience of our generation.

The islanders featured in the video are actual people who live, grew up, work, and play in Boracay island in real life. Some of them are 2nd and 3rd generation to the island's first residents since the 1960's.

Armand's first experience of Boracay island began in the late 1980's - almost 20 years ago.
He is 24 years old and currently resides in Boracay Terraces. Together with his band, the Boracay Republic, he performs original Boracay music to audiences from around the globe. He wrote and composed the song "Bora-Bora-Boracay" in 2005, which is the second single in his music album, "Only in Boracay".

A milestone in Island Music history.

song: Bora-Bora-Boracay
artist: Singer-Songwriter Armand Tajanlangit
album: Only in Boracay - An islander's Story. Produced April 2005 by Armand Tajanlangit

Independent album - 7107 island's Production
Distributed by Universal Records in Music stores all over the Philippines. Available online.

CD Albums already circulating around the globe exported by the thousands of yearly travelers visiting the famous white beach.

The anthem is currently being sung by Boracay die-hards in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

In Boracay: CD's available at Pat's Bar, Bom-Bom, Budget Mart, Tourist Center, Music HOuse, Boracay Terraces, Crystal Sand, and Bells & Bloom.

In the Philippines: Cd's Available in Oddyssey and other music stores nationwide.

Directed by: Oscar Nava, Dustin Pratt (Including underwater and aerial shots), and Armand Tajanlangit.

Edited by: Ray Gibraltar, Oscar Nava, and Armand Tajanlangit.

Featuring: Fil-American Rap Artist "Mista Blaze", Tribu Tres La Carlota drumbeaters, Boracay Aeta choir, and the beautiful people of Isla Boracay.

Location: Boracay Island, Philippines (Puka beach, Boracay Terraces, TJ Heaven Sunset Bar and Restaurant, Red Pirates, Blue Mango, Willy's Rock, Angol Point)

Shot on and off during the months of August 2006 - March 2007.

The video has already been submitted to Myx and MTV Philippines. Currently pending and waiting for air time.

The Bora-Bora-Boracay single is already hailed as Boracay's national anthem.

Watch out for the next Boracay music video - "DANCE LIKE FIRE", featuring the local and foreign fire dancers of the island.

prodhse: ON Creative Production

Catch Armand's live performances with the Boracay Republic band on the island this Sem-Break!

(search "armandtj" on youtube for past jammings in Boracay).
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