



在我的部落格裡,有許多問我來長灘島工作的網友,如何在長灘島找到工作? 如何應徵到工作? 其實沒有特別的要求,只能說因緣際會,一切都是命中註定! 我不想我的部落格變成一個商業的空間,這篇文章只會短暫的出現! 實在是人情壓力,不然不會有這種文章出現,我也不會幫人做這麼冒險的事!












Looking for Taiwanese woman aged 25-40 for travel business in Boracay 長灘島, Philippines.


The position would require moving to Boracay for six months. We have a modern office of 45 people under Canadian/American leadership at the center of the island.

The responsibilities of our Chinese travel hotel and reservation agent would include; assisting guests with their travel/hotel arrangements, assisting them with their hotel reservations, answering emails and questions from guests, processing hotel/online reservations, and answering telephone calls from the guest. The Chinese language department assists guests from China (50%), Taiwan (40%), and Hong Kong (10%) in both simplified and traditional Chinese. It is not necessary to know simplified Chinese, but necessary to be totally fluent, strong even, in traditional Chinese.

Basic English to communicate with your Filipino assistants and co-workers and Canadian/American leaders and co-workers is necessary.

The details:

1. Starting Salary is 42,000+ PHP per month. (30,000+ NT).

If you have strong related skills, this starting salary is negotiable.

If you have strong experience, this starting salary is negotiable.

If you can start immediately, this starting salary is negotiable.

2. You will need to move to the Boracay for six months. We will pay for your flight from Taipei to Manila to Boracay. It is possible that after this first six months, you can work from your home in Taiwan once you are fully skilled. (We will also have a Taipei call center by the end of the 2012 year.)

3. Work starts at 9am, ends at 6pm, with an hour for lunch. There are no 'face to face' guests (all email or telephone), the work environment is relaxed, no uniforms or anything like that. We wear sandals in the office, and we are on the main road center White Beach. We will help with your apartment search, but you will be responsible for paying for your apartment. This can be between 5000 and 20000 PHP per month, depending on how nice of a place you want to live in. You can also roommate with other people in our office should you wish.

4. If you are able to be in Boracay and start work before March 10, there is a 25,000 PHP (17,500 NT) signing bonus.

Please include your 1. CV/Resume and 2. photo or Facebook link.

We are going to make decisions and hire quickly (before Feb 28), so please don't delay.

Thanks in advance,



請把它轉貼於更多的地方讓更多有興趣的人參考囉! 世界上最好的工作機會在澳洲,然而但那也僅是渺茫的機會,現在有更好的選擇,心動嗎? 不如給自己一個機會,收拾行囊,與我在長灘島作伴吧^^





已經找到人囉!!  沒有職缺囉^^ 下次還有這麼好的機會,會繼續通知^^




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